Saphra Family Page: Index of Recent Photos Taken w/Phyllis's Mother's Day Camera
Pictures from London trip - December 2008 Thanksgiving in Manhattan - Nov. 08
Camp Kinderland & Burlington - July, '08 Miriam, Phyllis & Flowers - July, '08
Irvington Seder - Spring, '08 Why can't we ALL just get along? - Critters / Spring ,08
Watch the Watch - 4/25/08 Vizcaya Visit - Thursday, 2/20/08
Raphael's Cello Presentation at Young Israel Sisterhood - 2/19/08
Pembroke Pines, 2/18/08 - "The Wireless Barbershop"
Phyllis Feeds 2008 Birthday Cake to through Miriam through the Phone  Pembroke Pines, Florida @ Bella's 2/17/08 - Art Fair at Coconut Grove
Will's visit, December - 2007 Part One Will's visit, December - 2007 Part Two
Sugar Gliders
1st Visit with David and Rachel in Norwalk
The Museum of Modern art with Mindy and Ed
Rye Playland with Ewa & Johanna
Croton Point Park with the Madays and Freys