
Crescent Elementary School - Bronx, NY


   Aja Davis's Showcase!   http://nylearns.org/ajadavis  Circus    nylearns.org  FireEngineImage   Computer Lab   Lesson Links
Pre-K Games
Kindergarten Games
1st Grade Games
2nd Grade Games
3rd Grade Games
4th Grade Games
5th Grade Games
 Funbrain   Game Finder
Game of 24   

101 Dalmations

C.S.57 School Song


  Yahooligans Search Engine Designed for Kids. Type your search directly into the white window below:

Fact Monster Dogpile Search

Links for Teachers  

NY Learning Standards: Official NY State Site
Social Studies Curriculum + Sample Tests

Tech. Support Forms login: "dsaphra"
Archived CS57 Sites: 20032004, 2006  **Economy Printing ** : Print faster & cheaper!

  Curriculum Map Resources
Download Student DATA Templates    Make your own Google web page   
Download 2006-07 Field Trip Form   

Links for Students 

PrincetonReview.com - "Be not afraid."
Pirmary Grades
Grades 2 & 3
Grades 4 & 5




Interactive Storybooks

Fairy Tale Lesson: Kidspiration
Magic Horse
Everyday Math Games - Click here!

1. Login: ssssss@cs57.com
2. Password: ssssss
3. Click on Login button
4. Say "Yes" to "Remember password?"
5. Click on "Educator Resources"
6. Click tiny triangle at top & select level
Starfall Phonics  Learn4Good Games
EnchantedLearning On-line Phonics Picture Dictionary
Prongo Games A Nice 5th Grade Site
Manatee - Phonics - short vowel / initial consonant Math - Math - Math! Matti - A great math site

Elementary School Links

Links for One and All

Please click on our current Calendar of Events
(Thanks, Ms. Burgos!)

How to Use:       Bookmarktracker

Click here for a word puzzle game that tests
your knowledge of current events.

Children's Music by D.F. Saphra
(C'est moi)

Computer Hygiene: Especially for vulnerable non-Mac Windows machines
Netscape 7.2 (free download): Browser for Mac OSX / or Netscape for Windows
MUCH better all around  than Internet Explorer (or Netscape 8.0 for that matter, which lacks the very "Composer" being used to make this very web page!)
Or go straight to the horse's mouth and get Mozilla, which (like Netscape) contains a great little web page editor. Better yet, simply download their fast,  pared-down  browser, "FireFox." Ad-Aware (from Lavasoft) - Prevents pop-up ad installers from getting a chance to wreck havoc with your Windows machine. Click here for the actual free Windows download.
"The 46 Best Utilities Ever" Site: Freeware software (sort of) to fix and enhance all sorts of things. Featuring, most epecially: AVG Free Anti-Virus Software Microsoft "Windows Defender" Anti-Spyware Software
Important and useful for the health of your Windows computer: Install critical updates from Microsoft HERE. Regrettably, using Internet Explorer is required.
Send e-mail to: dsaphra @ schools.nyc.gov
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