A Virtual Visit Between Two Tribes

(Assignment #2)

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Using the information about the two tribes we gathered for Assignment #1 we will be finding out how to travel from one tribe to another.

1. Go to the mapquest.com
web site.

2. Type in the information for one of your tribes. You can leave the "Place Name" box blank.

3. Click the "Search" button

4. When you get the map, zoom out until you can tell where you really are.

5. What is the number of the nearest interstate highway? ______________  ? 

6. What direction (East, West, North or South) will you have to travel to get to your other tribe? ______________

7. In the area below the map ("Starting Address") type in the information for your second tribe.

8. Click on the "Get directions" button.

9. Drag over all the directions then from the menu select copy and paste the directions into a text editor (Microsoft Word, Appleworks, TextEdit, etc.) or a blank Netscape Composer page.

10. Save your work,  close it and make sure you know how to find it and open it once again.

Here is an example of how to get from one northwestern tribe to another.

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