CS57X - Crecscent Elementary School


The Battle Cry of Freedom

Northern version by George F. Root, 1861
Southern version by W.H. Barnes, 1861

Northern version:
Yes we'll ral-ly 'round the flag, boys, we'll ral-ly once a-gain,
Shouting the bat-tle cry of free-dom
We will ral-ly from the hill-side, we'll gath-er from the plain,
Shout-ing the bat-tle cry of Free-dom.
The Un-ion for-ev-er, Hurrah, boys, Hurrah!
Down with the trai-tor, Up with the star;
While we ral-ly 'round the flag, boys, Rally once a-gain.
Shout-ing the bat-tle cry of Free-dom.

Southern version:
O-ur flag is proud-ly floating, On the land and on the main,
Shout, shout the bat-tle cry of Free-dom;
Be-neath it oft we've conquered, And will con-quer oft a-gain,
Shout, shout the bat-tle cry of Free-dom.
Our Dix-ie for-ev-er, she's never at a loss;
Down with the ea-gle, Up with the cross.
We'll ral-ly 'round the bonny flag, we'll ral-ly once a-gain.
Shout, shout the bat-tle cry of Free-dom.