Part I
What can you make from a Buffalo?
Go to:
First click on the Buffalo part, then on the object you think you used to make out of it.
Remember to scroll all the way to the bottom of the pop up window and click the Close Button when you are done writing down your answer.
1. Hooves? ______________________________________
2. Tail? __________________________________________
3. Skin and Fur? __________________________________
4. Ribs? _________________________________________
5. Horn? ________________________________________
6. Teeth? ________________________________________
Part II
How much is a Buffalo worth, nowadays?
Go to:
Fort Niobrara Annual Bison Sale (NE) October 8, 2003
Look at the chart and answer the following questions:
1. What
was the average price paid for a mature
2. The
higest price for a mature cow?
3. The
highest price for an Adult Bull?
4. About
how many times as expensive as the average Buffalo Cow was an average 4 Year
Old Buffalo Bull?
Exactly how much more money was paid for that Bull than for the average Cow?
6. How
many Buffalo got sold in all?