ELA Practice Page 2 - December, 2006


  1. Do Making Inferences #1
  2. Do Making Inferences #2
  3. Play Quia Game: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire #1
  4. Play Quia Game: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire #2
  5. Play Quia Game: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire #3
  6. Play Prefix-Root-Suffix FISH TANKS Game ... OR ...
  7. Pick ONE GAME from the Newton School Fun Page
    1. What is the URL of the game? http:// ______________________
    2. What school subject is the this game about? _________________
    3. I think this game is fun because __________________________________
Answer the the three questions either on a  piece of paper or in a Microsoft Word document into your own home folder.
You may have to log back in under your own name to get to your home Documents folder.
Don't forget your School Heading!

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Game #1